The British Columbia Association of Broadcasters (BCAB) represents private television and radio broadcasters with the mandate to combine the resources and strength of our industry in three key areas: to promote and contribute to community enhancing programs throughout our province, to present a unified and credible voice in matters that affect our growing industry, and to provide our members with information and inspiration through our annual BCAB Conference.
Along with radio and television broadcasters, the BCAB also includes associate members from the advertising and business community that contribute to our broadcasting industry.
Members of the BCAB can access assistance with provincial regulatory issues, legal issues pertaining to broadcasting, and information and support on their industry related concerns.
The BCAB utilizes the many talents, energies and financial contributions of its members to create public service campaigns that promote better communities. The Amber Alert program and the Humanitarian Awards are just two of the many programs assisted by the BCAB. Amber Alert, the voluntary partnership between law-enforcement agencies and broadcasters, activates an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases. The Humanitarian Award was established in 1980 by the BCAB and is presented annually to BC organizations whose projects would benefit from a province wide broadcast campaign.